Although we're in our third year of drought, wildflowers can be found if you're really looking for them.
blue eyed grass (sisyrinchium) |
A very sorry looking filaree - an invasive plant. |
Pineapple weed, aka wild Chamomile (matricaria discoidea) |
And here is the everlasting, it has the most wonderful scent. I once tried to bottle it, but foolishly used Olive oil instead of an oil with less of a scent and it didn't work as well as I hoped.
California Everlasting, aka Ladies' tobacco (pseudognaphalium californicum) |
Shepherd's Purse (capsella bursa-pastoris) |
Did you notice the heart shaped "purses"? And their mention in Robert Louis Stevenson's poem "The Flowers"
ALL the names I know from nurse: | |
Gardener’s garters, Shepherd’s purse, | |
Bachelor’s buttons, Lady’s smock, | |
And the Lady Hollyhock. | |
Fairy places, fairy things, | |
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings, | |
Tiny trees for tiny dames— | |
These must all be fairy names! | |
Tiny woods below whose boughs | |
Shady fairies weave a house; | |
Tiny tree-tops, rose or thyme, | |
Where the braver fairies climb! | |
Fair are grown-up people’s trees, | |
But the fairest woods are these; | |
Where if I were not so tall, | |
I should live for good and all. |
Imagine a tiny fairy looking up at all these little plants!
Wild Cucumber, aka man-root (marah) |
London Rocket (sisymbrium irio) |
Parasitic mistletoe on sycamore (phoradendron macrophyllum) |
Holes made by Acorn Woodpeckers |
close-up of holes with acorns |
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