Monday, October 21, 2013

Bull Frogs and Giant Water Bugs

October 9, 2013 was the first heavy rain of the season. The kids loved everything about it from the feel of the cool weather to the smell outside, hoping it would be like that for Christmas Eve "our white Christmas."

The following day in the partly sunny creek we found...

Bullfrog tadpoles (Lithobates (Rana) catesbianus?) minnows, dragon fly larva
Mayfly larva?
Damselfly larva?
Unidentified beetle
Soldier Fly Larva (Stratiomys)
Unidentified, possibly crane fly larva
I once had one of the giant water bugs below, which I thought had died, dried out on a paper towel on the table to paint in my journal. After about 30 minutes, it started to walk off the table! It is capable of living out of the water for some time and is known at night to fly towards electric lights, which it must think is the moon, but why fly towards the moon? It is capable of eating creatures much larger than itself, even snakes. They have an extremely painful bite, but are not aggressive towards humans. They're also popular food in Thailand according to Wikipedia!

Giant Water Bug "Toebiter" (Belostomatidae) with its beak in a minnow

Apparently they are cannibalistic!


  1. So I found your blog in a roundabout way that started with homeschooling, then charlotte mason. What stopped me though was your mention of giant water bugs! We recently moved to Southern Arizona and we found one of those at the public pool where my oldest does swim team! I have never seen one before!

  2. In the pool!?! That must have been a shocker, lol! Glad you found us, thanks for stopping by!
