Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Downpour and first wildflowers

Even with the heavy rains we received at the end of February this year, we are still only at about 1/3 of the average rainfall totals for this time of year according to OC Watershed data

These Altocumulus? Cirrocumulus? clouds reflect a beautiful sunset on March 3rd shortly after the rains.

One lonely, but gorgeous bunch of poppies, "copa de oro" popped up at Aliso & Woods where they have done extensive work removing giant reed and re-seeding the area with natives.

Bobcat tracks


I have seen this before, and forgotten what it is. There is a elmer's glue-like substance in the center of it. I want to say pincushion, but I haven't been able to identify it yet.

Our dry vernal pool. It seemed like so much rain, but not enough.

We saw one frog. I imagine they come out and mate when it does rain. I wonder if there are any underwater puddles where they can lay their eggs, or do they all dry up and die? What hardship!

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